


VHCC的联邦勤工俭学项目, 你可以赚钱, 提高你的就业技能, 并获得宝贵的工作经验!

A wide range of work-study opportunities are open to income-eligible VHCC students. 大部分工作都在VHCC的校园里, but a few community service opportunities are available at off-campus locations.

的好处 勤工俭学项目:

  • Flexibility: Work-study students work with their supervisor to determine their weekly schedules, 工作时间是根据你的课程安排的.
  • 位置:大多数勤工俭学的工作都在校园里!
  • Impact: Many students find work-study jobs related to their academic program or career interests, which helps give them an edge when applying for jobs in their field. Some students use their work-study positions to serve their community.

为了让你有资格参加联邦勤工俭学计划, you must be a current student enrolled in at least 6 financial aid eligible credits during the Fall and Spring semesters (12 credits total during the academic year). Eligibility for Federal Work-Study is determined by your financial need, 根据你的FAFSA申请, and by meeting the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).


  • 提交你将参加的援助年度的FAFSA
  • Submit all requested documentation listed on your myVHCC To Do List in your Student Center
  • 有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金
  • 证明剩余的经济需要
  • 注册至少6个或更多的经济援助合格学分
  • 满足VHCC的满意学业进展(SAP).

Students who are eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program will receive a message in their Student Center after they have been awarded. The message will contain a link to the Federal Work-Study Application. All financial aid requirements must be completed before an award can be placed on a student’s account.

The number of students awarded Federal Work-Study depends on availability of funds and number of eligible work-study applicants.

Work-study placements are approved by the 金融援助 Office on a first-come, first-served basis according to when the campus 金融援助 Work-Study Advisor receives completed employment packets.

Most placements for the Fall semester are done in July, August and early September. 春季学期新的勤工俭学奖学金将于1月份颁发. Funding for the Summer session is based on the student’s eligibility for the upcoming financial aid year.

重点介绍了联邦勤工俭学招聘流程 在这里.

  • Your new Federal Work-Study (FWS) supervisor will contact you about developing your work schedule, 并讨论何时何地报到工作.
  • You will be expected to work the entire semester or term, and preferably a full year.
  • 你的勤工俭学奖励金额, 你的时薪, and the number of weeks remaining in a semester determines the length of your FWS placement and the number of hours you will work each week.
  • All work must occur on VHCC premises or at official off-campus sites designated 以书面形式 by the Campus 金融援助 Office.
  • 工作时间不能和上课时间冲突.
  • 为了私人时间、吃饭或休息,你必须打卡.
  • 你不能在家或在任何其他地方工作.

Your performance as a student employee can earn you positive references when you seek employment later.

  • 制定一个工作时间表,并始终准时.
  • 如果你必须缺席,直接联系你的主管.
  • 着装得体.
  • 你代表的是VHCC. 使用适当的行为和语言.
  • If you finish tasks designated by your supervisor during your scheduled hours, 你可以用剩下的时间来学习或做作业.
  • Use college equipment and supplies only for official college business.
  • 准确、准时地输入工作时间.

FWS的工作通常在每学年结束时终止, 然而, a student employee must carry out the following procedure if he/she wishes to cease working: two weeks before quitting, talk to the 金融援助 Office and your supervisor about your intention to stop work. 辞职前, you must submit a completed Release Form with your supervisor's signature to the 金融援助 Office. This is absolutely necessary because a work assignment is part of your total financial aid package.

If you are terminated, the reason for dismissal must be made clear to you by the supervisor. 必须通知财务援助官员, 以书面形式, 释放勤工俭学学生的意图和原因. A Release Form must be completed by the supervisor and returned to the 金融援助 Office.

主管会对你的表现进行评估. 评估结果存档以备将来参考.

  • A student's job is an employment opportunity which will give valuable work experience. Sometimes the job will be directly connected with a student's major, 有时不, 但在所有情况下, 在工作环境中获得经验的是就业. The supervisor is a potential reference when seeking employment after leaving VHCC. 


  • You are required to notify the 金融援助 Office of any name or address change. Name changes cannot officially be made without a copy of a new social security card. 


  • It is important to use your time well and avoid socializing on the job. 这包括像脸谱网这样的社交网络, 推特, Instagram, 个人电子邮件和其他个人使用的电脑. 滥用将成为立即解雇的理由. 如果你的主管没有让你做任何事情, 你需要学习或完成课程作业. 


  • 按时、有规律地报到工作. If you are going to be absent because of illness or any "justifiable reason", you must call the supervisor personally as early in the working day as possible. Permission to be absent for other reasons should be requested, not expected. 


  • A student employee must act in a professional manner concerning confidentiality of college and student records and confidentiality of information which comes to the student by virtue of his/her work. Breaches of such confidentiality and any act of dishonesty are just cause for immediate dismissal from the Federal 勤工俭学计划. 


  •  Federal Work Study students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for the department in which they work. Each student should check with their immediate supervisor to determine the departmental dress requirements.

  1. 登录VCCS HR:人力资源系统
  2. Navigate to Self Service>Time Reporting>Report Time>Timesheet
  3. 时间表将出现-转到View By并选择“Time Period”
  4. 输入你的时间“上班”、“午餐”、“上班”和“下班”
  5. 输入时间报告代码-“REG”
  6. 选择“提交”,然后按“确定”查看你的时间表

If you do not have your time submitted by Thursday at 5 pm or you have an error on your timesheet, 你的薪水至少会延迟两周.


  • "30 minute” break mandatory if working more than six and a half straight hours
  • 你每天工作不能超过8小时

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